Author: Reenie Dorean

Find out How Dieting Improves Your Immune System

Find out How Dieting Improves Your Immune System

Our body turns into survival mode whenever it follows a weight loss regimen. To protect itself from starvation, it begins to produce more cytokines and other compounds that stimulate the immune system. While this may seem like a bad thing, it’s actually the opposite because a stronger immune system can help us fight off infections faster when we start eating again.

In fact, studies have shown that people who go on diets tend to have stronger immune systems afterwards than before.

Immune System Adapts to Protect You from Starvation

When we diet, our body goes into survival mode to protect itself from starvation. During this process, our body releases more cytokines and other compounds that stimulate the immune system. This boosts our immune system, making it stronger to fight off infections.

Scientists have also discovered that when we diet, our immune system produces different cytokines compared to when we eat normally. Oftentimes, our immune system produces more interferon, an anti-viral compound, than when we’re eating normally. This is especially true for people who go on very restrictive diets.

Interferon is mostly responsible for protecting us from viral infections, like the flu or the common cold. So, when we diet, our immune system produces more anti-viral compounds to protect us from potential infections caused by eating less.

Your Ability to Fight Off Infections Improves

As we’ve seen above, when we diet, our bodies produce more cytokines and other anti-viral compounds to protect us from potential infections caused by eating less. And when we’re sick, our bodies produce less of these compounds to fight off the infection. When we’re sick, our immune system isn’t as strong as it usually is. And when our immune system is weaker, we’re more susceptible to infections.

But when we diet, our bodies produce more anti-viral compounds that make our immune system stronger. This means we’re less susceptible to infections because our immune system is more able to fight off infections and viruses.

Studies have found that people who go on diets have a stronger immune response to viruses than people who don’t diet. People who don’t diet have a weaker immune response when they’re sick, which makes them more susceptible to infections.

Dieting may Lower Your Risk of Cancers

People who go on diets have a lower risk of developing certain cancers, such as breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer. This is partially due to the increased production of immune-boosting compounds when we diet.

Scientists have discovered that when we diet, our immune system produces different immune cells in the blood. Some of these immune cells protect us from infections while others destroy carcinogenic cells in the body.

Ways Fitness Classes Help Boost Your Immune System

Ways Fitness Classes Help Boost Your Immune System

Today’s busy world leaves us with less time to perform our daily activities. Instead of going for a stroll or spending some time at the gym, most people now spend their time commuting to and from work, attending meetings, and getting home late—all in one day.

Time spent on these activities takes away from the little time we do have to pursue other interests and hobbies. Society today is more prone than ever to illness and disease; stress levels are higher than normal, leading people to feel anxious or depressed; eating habits have changed, leading people to eat unhealthy foods; and so much more.

So what can you do about it? Start by taking up a fitness class! Here are ways that doing so will help boost your immune system:

Helping You Breathe Better

In fitness, breathing actually plays a huge role in its effectiveness. When you breathe more effectively, you are also strengthening your immune system.

Inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth helps to keep your lungs healthy, promotes relaxation, and reduces stress.

Taking a fitness class that focuses on breathing exercises is a great way to increase your immunity by strengthening your lungs and immune system. You can look forward to a reduced risk of common colds and coughs.

Helping You Burn Calories and Lose Weight

Exercising regularly will help you lose weight and at the same time, boost your immunity. As you lose weight, you will also be able to reduce your risk for diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. As a matter of fact, the CDC recommends adults between the ages of 19 and 64 get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week.

When you take up a fitness class, you’re already taking a step towards this goal. Exercising will help you burn calories and lose weight, as well as boost your immunity.

Helping You Fight Infection

Taking up a fitness class can help boost your immunity by fighting infection. Exercising on a regular basis can help you avoid getting colds and flu. Not only that, it will also help you recover faster if you do get sick.

Exercising regularly helps you produce T-cells and antibodies, which are responsible for fighting infection and promoting your immunity. If you don’t want to have any respiratory infections or just want to boost your immune system, then try signing up to Fitness classes in LiverPool. 
