Immune System & Therasage Sauna

Immune System & Therasage Sauna

Sauna sessions are good for the health. It revs up the metabolism, stimulates all organ systems, and strengthens the immune system.

Antibodies are formed

Within a short time, the body temperature rises in the therasage sauna. This stimulates the immune system to form antibodies. With regular sauna sessions you can even prevent an infection. However, if you are already suffering from a cold, you should postpone going to the sauna until the symptoms have subsided.

Sauna helps with skin diseases

In addition to protection against flu-like infections, saunas can also be useful for skin diseases such as psoriasis. Patients with neurodermatitis or nettle fever also report time and again that the sauna has a positive effect. In addition, pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects are described for rheumatic and wear-related diseases of the musculoskeletal.


Sauna can help against high blood pressure

Many studies confirm that sauna sessions can permanently lower blood pressure by an average of 10 to 15 millimeters of mercury. The heat in the sauna makes your heart beat faster and stronger. The small, widely branched blood vessels in the body expand and contract again when they cool down. This training effect makes the small vessels more flexible and better able to compensate for high blood pressure.

Higher life expectancy through sauna

Finnish scientists have discovered that regular sweating in the sauna can even prolong life. For a study, researchers from the University of Eastern Finland examined 2,315 men between the ages of 42 and 60 who went to the sauna with varying degrees of frequency and followed them for 20 years.

The result is that the risk of dying from sudden cardiac death or a disease of the coronary arteries was lower the more frequently the test persons took a sauna. Those who went to the sauna twice a week instead of once had a 22 percent lower risk, with four to seven sauna visits the risk was even almost 63 percent lower.

The risk of dying from any other disease was lower the more men went to the sauna. It was also shown that longer stays in the heat had a greater effect for immune system than shorter ones.

Sauna also for heart failure

In a Japanese study, 41 patients with chronic heart failure were sent to an infrared sauna for five days for three weeks. Afterwards, the participants were significantly more resilient, say the researchers. The psychological effect should not be underestimated either. When patients with cardiac insufficiency or after a heart attack go back to the sauna, it means that they have confidence in themselves and their bodies again.

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